It’s welding safety month, and we’re discussing one of the most common welding safety concerns: welding in rain or wet conditions. Many welders wonder if it’s safe to weld in the rain, and the answer is…it depends. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the risks and dangers of welding in wet weather, as well as some tips for staying safe while welding in the rain.
So, is it safe to be welding in the rain?
The answer is that it depends. If you’re welding in a light rain or mist, it’s probably safe to continue welding. However, if it’s raining hard or there is a lot of water on the ground, it’s best to stop welding and wait for better conditions.
There are a few dangers to welding in rain or wet conditions. First, water can cause electrical shocks. If there is standing water on the ground, or if you’re welding in puddles of water, you could be at risk for an electrical shock. Second, wet conditions can make it difficult to see what you’re welding. This can lead to welding mistakes and accidents.
Look for our field guide to field welding
Welding wet materials
Welding on wet materials can be a problem for some processes and not others. For example, I know that you cannot weld with stick welding or flux core when there is water around the part because once an arc is struck it doesn’t matter if some get covered in water.
The pureness of water can affect your weld if there are contaminants in their mix. For this reason we recommend staying away from rain while performing these types of processes because moisture will conduct electricity when wet. This could interfere greatly during fusion between two pieces being joined together producing hot spots. Rust starts growing immediately upon contact creating faulty metal parts since both MIG & TIG processes rely heavily on gas shielding, something no longer present.
Porosity of metal
The porosity in a weld is one of the worst defects that can exist. It should be avoided at all costs because it will seriously weaken your piece and make any repairs difficult.
The small holes caused by natural pores from steel expanding when heated up during the welding process create an easy path for flux chemicals used between phases along with other components such as gas metals penetrate deep within the structure. This leads not only dangerous accessibility but also invites corrosion which eventually turns into rust over time
Welding on wet metal can be problematic. The electrodes should have a dry coating because when they get covered in flux, it causes porosity and other defects that will ruin your weld quality.
Negative impact on welds while welding in wet conditions
The water boiling point is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, but steel melts at 2720. It takes a lot of heat to boil the liquid, which means it sucks away welding fumes rapidly. This makes welds with brittle properties. The welding arc will also search out the path of least resistance, which is often down into any puddles on the welding surface. This can cause contamination and poor welds.
Read more about best welding fume extractors
The water left behind after welding can contaminate the weld with harmful elements that may lead to structural failure. High temperature of electric arc splits apart whatever is in it, breaking down molecules into contaminating oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen, potassium.
What about underwater welding?

The only difference between underwater welders and those who work on the land is the equipment they use. Underwater welding requires specialised knowledge, as well as training for divers to do their job properly; this makes them more expensive than regular welders but if your project requires an expert in these skills then there’s no better person (or company) around.
Check your lead and ground clamp
You don’t want your weld lead or ground clamp cable to get wet because then they would be live. Make sure there aren’t any leaks by wrapping it in electrical tape if necessary, then place a layer of plastic over the exposed part so that you do not accidentally touch anything else when entering work zones with only one hand.
Use a fan or blower
When you are done drying the metal, it is important that its remain still so as not to disrupt its surface or else risk damaging any polish work. For this reason I like put on some music while fanning away at least until all of my moisture evaporates.
Make sure to use the right fan or blower for your setup.
User rubber mats
One way to add an extra layer of protection while you weld is by standing on a rubber mat. This will not only keep water from getting into your shoes, but also cushions any impacts so that nothing happens when things do go wrong. This will not only keep water from getting into your shoes, but also cushions any impacts so that nothing happens when things do go wrong.
Could welding in rain kill you?
In most situations, welding on wet metal produces a basic shock. However, depending on the circumstances, this could be fatal. It might be quite hazardous if you’re standing in an inch of water while wearing flip-flops and operating an 800 amp welder.
Many risks come with welding, some of which you might not have conspired to be aware of. For example: being killed by your own flux is one potential danger- but it’s doubtful if this will ever happen as we’re talking about an accident here.
Welding in wet weather can be dangerous, and it’s important to take precautions to stay safe. In this blog post, we’ve discussed the risks and dangers of welding in wet conditions, as well as some tips for staying safe while welding in the rain. Rubber mats are an important safety precaution for welders who work in the rain, and it’s important to make sure that your welding lead or ground clamp cable does not get wet. Welding in wet weather can be dangerous, but if you take the proper precautions, you can stay safe while welding in the rain.
If you have any questions about welding safety, or if you need help finding the right welding safety products for your needs, please contact us. We’re here to help you stay safe while welding.